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10 Ways To Find Out If Your Partner Is Cheating


1. Check the texts and call logs on your partners phone. It sounds so obvious but this is such an easy way to catch them out. You would be suprised how many cheats leave concrete evidence waiting to be found in their inbox.

2. Engage in general chit chat with their friends. More often than not if your partner is cheating their friends will acidently drop them in it. This could be as simple as a friend acidently telling you that your partner has been seeing an ex behind your back.

3.Be suspicious if your partner suddenly becomes extra nice or loving towards you. This usually means they have a guilty conscience.

4.Be suspicious if their phone rings when you are together and they reject the call. Who has just called and why did they not answer the call?? Very suspicious

5.Scent- When you get intimate with somebody their perfume or aftershave is transfered onto you. This cannot be avoided. Does your partner smell of perfume? You have to wonder why?

6.STI's- Has your partner suddenly developed an STI. They are called "sexually transmitted" infections for a reason. If they didnt catch it from you then they must have had sex with someone else.

7.Has your partner suddenly become very protective of their phone. If your partner has suddenly started ensuring they do not leave their phone with you then you need to ask what could be on the phone that they need to be so secretive about?

8.If your partner has started to get home from work later than usual due to an increased workload...It might be worth discreetly calling their work phone to see if they are actually still at work.

9.Lieing about who they are seeing or where they are going.. If you catch your partner out doing this the chances are they are being unfaithful.

10. If you catch your partner out lying about where they have been or who they have seen,resist the temptation to confront them immediately. If you confront them they will realise you are suspicious and will make extra effort to cover their tracks in future. If you pretend you havnt spotted the lie they will think they have got away with it and will let their guard down. This gives you the oportunity to catch them out on other lies until you have enough evidence to confront them.

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